Microfilm Conversion Wilmington
If your business has been around for a while, chances are you have records on microfilm. After all, microfilm has been used in business for more than 100 years. But, as time goes by, the way one does business changes and the use of microfilm becomes less prominent. Many companies still have important documents and company information stored on microfilm that require secure, professional conversion to access those files. And, Resource Data Management is here to help.
You can trust RDM for all of your document conversion needs; we are the experts in microfilm conversion for Wilmington and the entire Tri-State area. RDM will handle your records with care to ensure the information is stored securely. And, by opting for microfilm conversion for your Wilmington business, you will enjoy more storage room in your office and the convenience of more easily accessible information for you and your employees.
Interested in learning more? Don’t put of your microfilm conversion any longer! Contact the professionals at RDM today so we can tell you more about it and even offer you a free analysis and estimate.
Microfilm Conversion Benefits
Microfilm records are still important to have available, but can often be a challenge to use and review. By converting those microfilm records to an electronic format such as a TIF or PDF document, these valuable documents will be accessible once again. While there are many reasons for microfilm conversion, there are still some companies who have not made the switch. If you are uncertain as to the advantages of converting your company’s microfilm, then consider these reasons:
- Convenience & Accessibility. Once you have converted microfilm into digital files, you can more easily share information digitally through email, the cloud, etc. Rather than spending time searching through boxes of microfilm canisters, then looking through slide after slide, you can easily pull the file on your computer.
- Preservation. Over time, microfilm will become damaged and unreadable, especially if it is not stored safely and where humidity or dampness cannot affect it. With a digital copy, you don’t have to worry about these issues.
- Space. Microfilm records take up a lot of space, whereas digital files do not need separate storage space.
And, these are just some of the great reasons to schedule your microfilm conversion! Let’s get started today. It doesn’t take a long time to make the conversions and it creates more usable work space.
Contact Us About Microfilm Conversion
Convert those old microfiche records into digital files! Our knowledgeable staff is happy to answer all your questions and help you determine the next step for your office. Give us call at 215-953-5175 to learn more about microfilm conversion for your Wilmington office. Or, fill out our online form.