Electronic Health Records New Jersey
The field of healthcare continues its evolution from paper-based to fully digital. Thanks to new technologies and innovations, the field of healthcare has pounced on ways to become more efficient, especially in regard to manage health records. Healthcare records have been making the gradual move towards becoming wholly digital, old paper-based filing systems now enjoying the conversion to becoming electronic health records. New Jersey healthcare facilities are and have been going along with this maintenance set-up, realizing more, the benefits of storing records electronically.
Electronic health records are being implemented for a wide variety of reasons, primarily because of the overall ease in access it provides all parties who may need them in any given medical scenario. In addition, electronic health records meet the requirements set forth by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. The Act was introduced many years ago—and with that comes penalties for not complying—and many New Jersey medical entities still are not fully switched over this most 21st-century of practices.
Benefits of Electronic Health Records
Beyond just meeting the requirements of PPACA, there are many other reasons US healthcare facilities are making the switch to electronic health records.
- Ease of Access: Being able to grab medical files via PC makes the effort of transferring patient information to other healthcare facilities a much easier process. The days of bulky mail packages being sent via courier to a different doctor are have been replaced by a simple email. Maybe instead of an email, a link to a specific electronic storage location exists for all parties in need and the information is accessed. In addition, EHRs mean that the patient has access to their medical information thus giving them a more active role in their healthcare.
- Quicker Updates: Simple software allows entering patient information to be easier and limits the ability to make mistakes.
- Simplicity: Electronic health records establish that a patient’s medical history is stored in one place, saving time and allowing patients to get more efficient care. Many patients visit with more than just one doctor so having a universal access point for multiple channels allows these physicians to see what allergies, medications, treatments and procedures are unfolding and making better informed decisions on medications, surgery and follow-up treatments.
- Environmentally Friendly: Environmentally Friendly – The filing cabinets and shelves filled to the brim with folders that occupy valuable space–representing large amount of paper—will become a relic of the past. Switching to electronic health records will free up office space and use substantially less paper.
- Ease of Sign Off for PAs and NPs: The rules vary from state to state but it is generally essential that a supervising physician sign off after implementing a procedure. Through the usage of EHRs, any revisions and cosigning can happen electronically.
- E-messaging: If messages or notes are needed regarding a procedure, the caregiver can use the electronic health records software to leave information for others involved. In addition, EHR software will also notify patients of impending appointments and can often be designed to include any specific notes or information that patient needs prior to the appointment.
Electronic Health Records from Resource Data Management
Going the electronic health records route allows your practice to operate in a much more efficient way. Your medical partners and patients are better informed.
To learn more about the value of electronic health records and to become a healthcare location that is doing its part to make medicine more effective and efficient, contact Resource Data Management today. We are here to help make your practice and record keeping methods even better.
For more information about electronic health records in New Jersey, call Resource Data Management at 215-953-5175 or you can Request a Free Analysis.